Facilitating the Govt Primary Health Centre (PHC) project is held on Tuesday(31st May 2022) at Thirupullani village, Kilakarai Taluk, Ramnad district. This village consists of 15000 population with 2500 families living in 20 villages in and around this PHC. Most of the villagers are Daily wagers (Coolie work). This PHC treats nearly 100 outpatients on a daily basis. But emergency power backup is unavailable in maternity ward(labour ward) due to which delivery is performed using torch lights & cell phone lights during power outages. Hence, United Welfare Organisation UNWO joined hands with The Global Coal Ventures (GCV) Company and initiated the Corporate Social Responsibility CSR in this identified PHC and offered the below medical equipments.
1. Microtek UPS EB 1100 VA12 Volt (Sine Wave) & Battery ET 2450 – 150 Ah – 1 No.
2. Foetal Doppler – 2 Nos.
3. Diamond Mercury BP Apparatus – 2 Nos.
4. BP Apparatus Digital Curis – 3 Nos
During this event, Thiruppullani Union Village Panchayat President, Vice President, Block Development Officer, TWAD Board Chief engineer, UNWO General Secretary, General manager and many others present.