Facilitating the Primary Health Centre (PHC) project was held on 13th August 2022, at Velanoor village, Kilakarai Taluk, Ramanathapuram district with a population consists of 22000 members with families in 46 villages living around this PHC with their main occupation being as Daily wages (Coolie work). With the help of PHC, nearly 80 to 90 outpatients treated daily and 10 pediatric delivery is done in a month.
This PHC has a panel of 21 members which includes 1 doctor, 4 nurses and other 20 subordinate members . The basic amenities in the above PHC is lacking and the villagers are struggling for their treatment during emergency situations because hospitals are remote in the towns.
Hence, United Welfare Organisation UNWO joined hand with The Global Coal Ventures (GCV) Company and initiated the Corporate Social Responsibility CSR in this identified PHC. The basic amenities which were missing were facilitated inorder to fulfill the effective treatment of the patients. The supportive materials have been facilitated below. This event was done in the presence of Chief guest and Govt officials.